What is Time Management in Simple Words? A Modern Take…
Stated as simple as possible, Time Management is a set of plannings and actions geared towards accomplishing a particular outcome while making the best use possible of the time span at disposal.
So Time Management is a Tool that loses completely its value if not used for concrete goals, be those Professional, personal or even just to have a good time.
Now, starting from this very simple definition, this subject can be pushed to a very sophisticated extent.
Bear in mind for instance, that managing time correctly it’s a core skill for every manager (this was actually my core occupation as I was managing sales training collegues and for years).
Clearly, you have to employ correct time management to get the most out of your sales team for instance.
But this applies to any project as well, process control, or even “simple tasks” (if you guys allow me to say something like this!😁) like working with a team of co-students in school, or teaming up with your kids at home to bring back some order in their rooms….
(As a side note, I am a fierce advocate of Clarity : I strongly believe that the results you accomplish from every endeavor you engage in are in direct proportion to your level of understanding.
Clarity about the various pieces composing the problem are the natural way towards the corect steps to resolve it.)
What is Time Management in One Word?
Since it is pretty complicated to give a functional picture of time management using just one word, I would encourage you to play a game with me…
Time is Emotion : Figure out in your mind the emotional state produced by a process that makes doing things easier while reducing stress.
Now, speak out loud the very first word that comes to you related to this emotional state.
More than “professional” definitions, this word is exactly your personal guide for setting priorities as you manage your chores.
Plain and simple…and way more functional than theory!
And I also have an article about the very first step in Time Management I found critical in successfully implementing a successful strategy (and any other skill by the way) and making it a positive habit.
Why is Time Management so Important?
Time management is extremely important for everybody because it relates itself to the most precious commodities we have, which is TIME.
Our time is limited, not renewable, not negotiable. |
But indeed, we do already use time management constantly in our lives, being aware of it or not.
The problem is that most of us are unaware of that and consequently, we have no “data”…
In other words, we are not used to monitor our performances and optimize our practices because we don´t measure
Not being aware of what is going on prevents us to improve…
And our human nature brings us to indulge on habits that feel easier, but damage our results and our experience of things in the long run.
(Sorry, another side note!! : I apologize if my writings sound sometimes like reading the contract summary from your insurance….. I am terribly sorry!! Really, I am not that serious on purpose, it is just the way it comes out while I’m trying to explain the concepts I elaborate in my head in the most complete form I am capable of….should i maybe opt for the “most friendly” form instead? Let me know it in the comments section please 😊) |
Ok, that said, let’s get back aboard : making a good use of proven techniques to improve your results doesn’t have to be tedious and boring as well.
Here I am talking to your playfulness and creativity:
The key here is to always have clear what moves you and what cheers you up.
I know it is easier said than done, but, believe me, this is a matter of habits too :
Make it a habit to listen to yourself and learn what works and what doesn’t for your particular personality (= learn to Love Yourself!) |
What Type of Skill is Time Management?
Time management is often classified in the group of soft skills.
But it is nonetheless a critical capability of any modern person, since the bulk of obligations we run everyday in our modern times are often overwhelming…
Unfortunately, the traditional “business lingo” has confined Time Management into the realm of “professional skills”…
Those you would expect from business owners and leaders, but this couldn’t be further from the truth!
Do yourself a favor and understand the principles of proactively manage your time.
You will be amazed from the satisfaction coming from gettings more things done and at the same time reducing stress and anxiety.
Now, wouldn’t it be useful to go into some real-life example ?
Can You Describe Your Time Management Skills?
Of course! I am definitely going to do that, but I respect your time also.
I understand that it would take way too much to explain it correctly.
I want to bring some walue and let you walk away with some usable information.
So for your convenience I am going to talk about my Time management skills in another post. Enjoy!
How can Teenagers Manage their Time?
Being a father myself if I can testify that this is a tough one…
I find it critical that children learn as soon as possible the importance of time and start practicing with the ground concepts for managing it properly.
But the direction our civilized society is going for tends to pull kids in the opposite direction.
I know, this is a very complex subject, since it implies aspects over which the childreen have absolutely no control…
This includes the word economy as a whole that forces both parents to have a day job If not additional side hustles just to make a living.
And this non-stop race sweeps away the time that should instead be dedicated to grow our kids.
And to make things worse, our “civilized system” resolve the problem feeding the younger ones with games and gadgets that have the tendence to detach them from their physical environment…
But I digress, please forgive me about that…😉
Make Time a Game
How we as a family can help our children learn the importance of taking care of their time?
Well, we can for instance use their system for discovering things : make it a game!
We can structure tasks to accomplish things like a tournament, in which every assignment completed will score points for the little gamer.
And in the end the one with more points will win the game…
BUT! make sure that everyone walks away with at least a little reward (say a 2nd, 3rd, 4th place prize).
Everybody has to receive something for being in the game and stay interested for the the coming ones. |
This is critical since kids lose interest quickly. it’s up to us to keep their attention alive.
Many times they expect from us something as simple as a hug, a word of praise, a smile, a laughter or simply a few minutes of our attention to talk to us about what is in their heart in a particular moment.
The more we learn to give them attention in their own particular way, the more they will act like our best allies in any challenging situations.
…and maybe, we will see them finding their balance and happiness…
Isn´t that we parents are looking for in the end?
How can Students Manage their Time?
Yeah man we made it!
Since the family has done its task to teach time management to the children from a very young age, the young student is armed and ready to smoke even the toughest studying routine, right??
Ok, that was adventurous…😆😆😆
In reality an extremely low percentage of students have learnt good practises to optimize their study sessions.
(And those heroic few receive generally the flattering epithet of NERDS!!).
Let me just say that this skill is vital for you as a student because :
- It is your ally to successfully survive the long years of attending a particular course of study.
- It engrains deeply in yourself a method of doing things that will work wonders.
- It is your ninja weapon in the working environment as well as in any endeavor.
So, start with the awareness that you need a solution for the problem.
From that point research briefly about a couple of systems that catch your attention.
And here comes the most important thing : start doing it! |
Look, the probabilities of choosing the perfect solution for your needs at your first try are extremely low…
So, why bother about it??
In fact this is not the point.
The point is engaging yourself in finding a solution:
Experiment different mechanics to see personally what works and what not.
The solution is unique to you because YOU ARE UNIQUE.
As a side benefit it will bring you a much more deeper awareness of yourself,
Get to know Yourself: your own personality, what “makes you tick”.
Thank you very much again for reading this far 🙂
In this blog I do my best to condensate what I learnt for my 35+ years in the work environment.
The experience of becoming a father at 36 shocked me…
Ans soon after I choose to leave my homeland at 44, starting all over again from scratch.
I mean, GROUND ZERO! : I knew nobody and not even the language spoken in my new residence (german).
Thank to the bad times as well as the good ones, this is my attempt to give back the best I have.
I hope that what you read here will pump your engine.
Even a slight different perspective can go a long way to help you pursuing on pursuing what’s important to you.
Just give it a go!
That’s why I really love to read all your opinions, insights, personal stories and everything else you will want to share in the comments.
Be Amazing.
Take care, talk soon.