“Discretionary Time” In Time Management…OMG, WHAT??
The goal of time management is to optimize the use of time to maximize productivity, |
The goal of Discretionary Time Management is to optimize the use of specific time chunks to maximize our core personal growth |
What Is Discretionary Time?
Have you got a working Definition of Time Management already?
Well, then…
Discretionary Time is defined as everything else than Predictable Time or Other-Imposed time, where Predictable Time is the amount needed to perform “low-level”, repetitive activities (e.g. eating, dressing up, commuting) and Other-Imposed Time is that eaten up by unexpected events (e.g. emergencies, traffic jams, or overtime at work). |
From this definition, it is plain to understand how Discretionary Time is a scarce and precious commodity.
It is a resource that can be used to relax and enjoy family and friends, do things we enjoy, or work on projects we’ve been wanting to do, but its core use in my vocabulary is to boost Personal Growth.
Discretionary Time can also be used to make important decisions. We can plan our lives, make critical choices, and take action.
So, Discretionary Time looks pretty important because it can help us relax, enjoy our free time, but perhaps more importantly, make decisions, plan and achieve.
Real Discretionary Time Meaning
I intend here its real practical meaning that can help us make the best use of it right now.
From this perspective, wouldn’t be useful to think of Discretionary time as the portion of our life where we allow ourselves to be 100% ourselves? |
If you think about it, we work on the tasks we choose to reach our particular objectives in those discretionary time blocks.
In the end, they allow us to achieve what we care about the most.
…and thus to reach the highest expression of ourselves.
Be careful and specific to make good use of it, for it is a gift you make yourself to reap the results you aim for in due time.
Read more : Some Innovative Ideas in Modern Time Management you could not have heard of so far…
Discretionary Time A New Measure of Freedom
The concept of Discretionary Time is one that is often debated and has a variety of interpretations. In general, and as discussed before in this article, Discretionary Time is time that is not (yet) obligated by a set schedule or routine.
But if we think a bit more deeply, Discretionary Time can be also more modernly seen as a measure of freedom :
Individuals with more Discretionary Time management skills can take more liberties in their lives.
They are less bound by obligations, or at least have more room to manage those they choose to involve themselves in.
They are also more likely to pursue their interests and reach their planned goals.
But beware: for some people, too much Discretionary Time could also be a danger.
How Discretionary Time Can Become A Problem?
As a matter of fact, studies have shown that people who have too much Discretionary Time are more likely to be obese, depressed, and addicted to drugs and alcohol.
They are also more likely to have problems with their relationships and miss important milestones in their lives.
Why? Because nowadays we have lost our ability to find our own balance if the “necessities of life” do not force us into a specific course of action.
We seem to be lost if somebody doesn´t tell us what to do with our time!! And nowadays you can be bitten by a lot of distractions at a touch of a finger…
Strangely, we live a time where it seems imperative for any of us to “be cool”…
To reach the highest peaks of our “development” just to show everybody else how cool we are, longing to be accepted in a coveted group of peers.
This is not only exhausting, but since it´s driven from false needs, there´s no joy in it.
A goal not capable of empower us and give us a sense of accomplishment is continuous waste of physical and mental energy.
We can easily find ourselves into some “need for recover”.
And there we go! We could find ourselves wasting time on Social media, increasing smoking or drinking, or even activities worse than that.
It is a situation many of us are facing these days, and indeed something insidious and difficult to manage..
This is because, in the beginning, it looks simply as a way to get a bit of pleasure and relief from stress, right?
But as we indulge more and more in it, it ends up stealing bigger portions of our focus and diminishing drastically our interest in achieving goals.
In short, it becomes an addiction.
Discretionary Time Activities
Discretionary Time activities are those that we plan to do independently and assign specific chunks of time to accomplish. They should therefore be activities that we enjoy and that make us feel happier.
There are many different Discretionary Time activities that we can choose from. According to individual taste, some people may enjoy spending their time reading, while others may enjoy spending time outdoors. Many may enjoy spending time with friends, while many others may prefer spending time alone getting to know themselves and planning accordingly for their future.
Apart from escaping the stress of everyday life, a correct use of Discretionary Time brings other benefits…
Like for instance feeling more connected to the world around us and our inner selves.
A more profound more connection to our own lives can really help us out in moments of despair…
Like being more mind-opened when facing changes and proactive in designing our next goals.
Honestly, there is no wrong way to spend your discretionary time, you are in control.
And though this concept could not necessarily work in your best interest, it is all about finding activities that make you happy and that you enjoy doing.
Some Practical Tips
When it comes to Time Management, discretion is key. So you need to make sure you’re spending your time wisely and without feeling guilty. Here are some Discretionary Time activities that could meet your needs :
1. Take a walk.
A walk can help clear your mind, renew your energy and give you some time to yourself. It’s a great way to relax and regain focus.
Read more : ever you ever heard about The Pomodoro Technique? Why is that effective to set the Pomodoro at 25 minutes? Follow the link and learn why. 😊
2. Read a book.
Reading can be a great way to learn something new. It can also help you stay on track, recharge your motivation batteries or become an expert on a particular topic.
3. Take a class.
Taking a class can be a fun and effective way to learn. Make sure you chose something you are really passionate about so that you can get the most “bang for the buck” from your investment.
And maybe most importantly:
4. Plan, implement and measure your goals.
This should be really what correct management of the Discretionary Time at your disposal should look like. This is the best place where you hone your passions by working with energy and focus on anything you choose to be “your thing”.
Discretionary Time is a scarce but critical resource if planned and used in a smart way.
In this article we discussed what Discretionary Time is, both as a definition as in a more functional way.
We learned the pitfalls of poor management of Discretionary Time and a small list of activities to try as a starting point
The goal here is to actively understand and implement the role Discretionary Time can have in your day.
Make it a habit to plan and use time wisely as soon as possible : believe me, it is a critical shift for every single aspect of your life.
Start today by setting a specific 30-minute block for tomorrow at a specific time.
Be specific and be sure to plan the activities you want to execute.
Notice how easier and more relaxed it will be to do your things if you just stick to a plan
….yes, It is that simple. 😉
And now let me ask you, what is your own “thing”? What moves you? What makes you wake up early with a smile on your face?
Let me know it all in the comments!